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Aussie Frosty for trade

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  • Aussie Frosty for trade

    Hi there, newbie here so if I get a few details incorrect feel free to email and I will correct.

    I live in Australia and would like to pick up some CARS that we dont seem to get over here.

    I have 48 Frosty Aussie Silver CARS for trade if anyone is interested, all are case fresh ( I hesitate to say mint) and may have some very minor edge wear. Cars are new in packs.
    Each car owes me $12 each Aussie dollars.

    I have a California shipping agent based in San Clemente who consolidates my freight before shipping to Australia. Any postage would be inland only from the US, I will ship Frostys your address direct, I dont write down the purchase prices on any items and all are sent registered international mail.

    The following list is just a few of the items I am chasing for my 3 year old so while condition is important (no scrantch and dents) I dont mid very fine opened cars/haulers.

    With those details out of the way here is a few items I am looking for:

    HAULER - Chick Hicks
    HAULER Dinoco King
    HAULER Octane Gain
    HAULER Easy Idle
    HAULER Ben Crankleshaft
    HAULER Sidewall Shine
    HAULER N20 Cola
    HAULER Paul Valdez
    HAULER NitroAde
    HAULER Gil hauler
    2013 Flo
    2013 Greta
    2013 Hank Murphey
    2013 Dustin Mellows
    2013 Sherrif
    2013 Doc
    2013 Mrs King
    2013 Fillmore
    2013 Elvis RV
    2013 Dusty Rusteze
    2013 fred
    2013 Eldorado

    I am sure i will be adding to the wants list as time goes by. I look forward to working with you on a few trades over the years.
    Many thanks for your consideration, Cheers, Dave