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2013 Case assortments

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  • 2013 Case assortments

    Sorry that this isn't going to be in a nicely formatted table... I'll go back and get case assortments added... Most case assortments appear courtesy of JMDL Toys... Walmart exclusive cases confirmed at Walmart... Movie Moments confirmed at Walmart and Target and by JMDL Toys... Deluxe case assortments confirmed at Walmart and by JMDL Toys.

    2013 Singles

    2013 Singles Case A

    J Curby Gremlin - x2
    Uncle Topolino -x1
    Lightning McQueen with Racing Wheels - x5
    Francesco Bernoulli - x4
    Race Team Mater - x2
    Suki - x1
    Vladimir Trunkov - x1
    Chick Hicks - x2
    Hank Halloween Murphy -x2
    Sheriff - x1
    Race Tow Truck Tom - x1
    Dusty Rusteze - x1
    Sally -x1

    2013 Singles Case B

    Rip Clutchgoneski - x1
    Grem with Weapon - x2
    Holley Shiftwell with Screen -x2
    Petey Pacer - x2
    Erik Laneley - x1
    Francesco -x2
    Lightning McQueen with Racing Wheels -x1
    Miguel Camino -x1
    Guido and Luigi -x1
    Victor H - x1
    Race Team Mater - x1
    Cactus McQueen - x2
    The King - x2
    Lightning Ramone -x2
    Sarge - x1
    Kabuto -x1
    Rusty Rusteze -x1

    2013 Singles Case C
    Tubbs Pacer x 2
    Lightning McQueen with Cone x 3
    You the Bomb Mater x 2
    Francesco Bernoulli x 3
    Max Schnell x 2
    Nitroade x 3
    Marlon "Clutches" McKay x 2
    Charlie Checker x 2
    Brand New Mater x 1
    Lightning Ramone x 2
    Sally x 2

    2013 Singles Case D
    DJ with Flames x 2
    Wingo with Flames x 2
    Body Shop Ramone x 2
    Krate Rainson-Wash x 2
    Dexter Hoover with Checkered Flag x 1
    Security Guard Finn x 1
    Lightning McQueen with Racing Wheels x 1
    Miguel Camino x 1
    Lewis Hamilton x 1
    Erik Laneley x 1
    Shu Todoroki x 1
    Race Team Mater x 1
    Luigi and Guido x 1
    Chick Hicks x 2
    Fillmore x 2
    Sarge x 2
    Dusty x 1

    2013 Singles Case F (note - no Case E)

    David Hobbscapp with Headset x 2
    Harumi x 1
    Franca x 1
    Mike Lorengine x 2

    Cruisin'Lightning McQueen x 3
    Nitroade x 1
    Lightning McQueen x 2
    Race Tow Truck Tom x 1
    Sheriff x 1
    Flo x 1
    Rusty Rust-eze x 1
    Jonathan Wrenchworths x 1
    Brand New Mater x 1
    Greta x 1

    Grem with Weapon x 1
    DJ with Flames x 1
    Finn McMissile x 1
    Vladimir Trunkov x 1
    Uncle Topolino x 1

    2013 Singles Case G (Y0471-999G)

    Darrell Cartrip with Headset x 3
    Sputter Stop x 3
    Mrs. Topolino x 2
    Miles Axelrod with Hood Up (Chase) x 1

    Edwin Kranks x 3
    Francesco Bernoulli x 3
    Max Schnell x 2
    Cactus McQueen x 3
    Mater x 2
    Charlie Checker x 1
    You the Bomb Mater x 1

    The following upcoming case assortments are courtesy of JMDL Toys... Thank you, JMDL Toys!

    Y0471-999H "Case H"

    Rip Clutchgoneski x 1
    Lewis Hamilton x 2
    Lightning McQueen with Cone x 2
    Cruisin' McQueen x 2
    Snot Rod with Flames x 2
    Kabuto x 2
    Girl on Bridge #1 x 1 (Suki)
    Race Tow Truck Tom x 1
    Flo x 1
    Body Shop Ramone x 1
    Security Guard Finn x 1
    Grem with Weapon x 1
    Tubbs Pacer x 1
    Guido's Dance Partner (Chase) x 1
    Donna Pits x 1
    Yellow Jag in Stands (Victor Paveone) x 2
    Brand New Mater x 1
    Lightning Ramone x 1

    Y0471-999J "Case J"

    Brent Mustangberger with Headset x 1
    David Hobbscapp with Headset x 1
    Leaf Lightning McQueen x 3
    Wingo with Flames x 2
    Sheriff x 2
    The King x 2
    Fillmore x 2
    Finn McMissile x 1
    Victor H. x 1
    Franca x 1
    Mrs. Topolino x 1
    Vern x 1
    Red Guy in Stands (Maurice) x 2
    You The Bomb Mater x 2
    Greta x 1
    Hank Halloween Murphy x 1

    Y0471-999K "Case K"

    Brent Mustangberger with Headset x 1
    David Hobbscapp with Headset x 1
    Leaf Lightning McQueen x 2
    Wingo with Flames x 2
    Sheriff x 2
    The King x 2
    Fillmore x 2
    Finn McMissile x 1
    Victor H. x 1
    Franca x 1
    Mrs. Topolino x 1
    Donna Pitts x 1
    Red Guy in Stands (Maurice) x 2
    You The Bomb Mater x 2
    Greta x 1
    Hank Halloween Murphy x 1
    Contestant #2 (*May be Hiroaki)

    Y0471-999L "Case L"

    Miguel Camino x 1
    Jeff Gorvette x 2
    Shu Todoroki x 1
    Cactus McQueen x 1
    Snot Rod with Flames x 1
    Boost with Flames (Chase) x 3
    Girl on Bridge #3 x 1
    RPM x 1
    Lightning McQueen x 3
    Marlon "Clutches" McKay x 1
    Luigi & Guido x 2
    Dusty x 1
    Vern x 1
    Mark Wheelsen Ford Mondeo x 2
    Holley Shiftwell with Screen x 2
    Sally x 1

    2013 Deluxe (oversized)

    Case A
    Kabuki Mater - x1
    Ivan Mater - x1
    Dinoco Helicopter - x2
    Mack - x2

    Case B
    Al Oft - x2
    Lightning Storm McQueen - x2
    Red - x2

    Case C -
    Dustin Mellows - x2
    Dinoco Helicopter - x2
    Kabuki Mater - x1
    Red - x1

    Case E (First at Kmart, now found at Walmart and Toys R Us)
    Chase Francesco Fan Mater - x1
    Materhosen - x2
    Elvis - x1

    Mack - x1
    Dustin Mellows - x1

    2013 Movie Moments

    Case A
    Raoul Caroule/Bruno Motoreau - x4
    Nigel Gearsley/Austin Littleton - x3
    Darrell Cartrip/Bob Cutlass - x3
    Mrs The King/Tex Dinoco - x2

    Case B
    Hudson Hornet Piston Cup McQueen/Sally (with table) - x4
    Airport Mater/Holley Shiftwell - x3
    Tubbs Pacer with spray paint/Tolga Trunkov - x2
    Nigel Gearsley/Austin Littleton - x2
    Raoul Caroule/Bruno Motoreau - x1

    Walmart Exclusive Toons
    Deluxe Case A
    Tormenter - x2
    Frightening McMean - x2
    Rasta Carian - x1
    Dr Feelbad - x1

    Deluxe case B - while I've seen full cases at Walmart stores, I can't find my notes where I wrote down the case contents.
    I-Screamer - x1
    Rasta Mater -x1
    Tormenter's Biggest Fan - x
    Frightening McMean - x

    3 packs Case A
    Heavy Metal Mater with Heavy Metal Mater, Eddie, and Rocky- x4
    Mater the Greater with Mater the Greater, Mia, and Tia - x2

    Do we want to track Lenticulars?

    Do we want to track Radiator Springs Classic items? Those cases may not be the same at all TRU stores...

    And I personally don't want to track Stunt Racers, Hydro Cars, Transforming Transporters, or other Cars items like that.
    Last edited by cac1959; 07-04-2013, 12:44 PM. Reason: Updated contents

    I am cac1959... I am a Cars-a-holic... and a proud supporter of Nathan's Playroom

  • #2
    Do we want to track Lenticulars?

    And I personally don't want to track Stunt Racers, Hydro Cars, Transforming Transporters, or other Cars items like that.

    no Chris - they are all the devil for cars collectors lol


    • #3
      That's great info and no we don't have to track anything else.


      • #4
        For case H above, "girl on bridge #1" is usually Suki. I don't think it's gonna be Ichig reason being that I recall before case A was released Mattel was using "girl on bridge #1" for that case as well and it was Suki. Just a thought.


        • #5
          Originally posted by PopeMobile View Post
          For case H above, "girl on bridge #1" is usually Suki. I don't think it's gonna be Ichig reason being that I recall before case A was released Mattel was using "girl on bridge #1" for that case as well and it was Suki. Just a thought.
          Thank you, PopeMobile... I didn't have the time to revise that last night.

          I am cac1959... I am a Cars-a-holic... and a proud supporter of Nathan's Playroom


          • #6
            Looks like cases G and J will be the upcoming cases to skip this year. J is identical to K except that K has one less mcqueen and a new in its place - so K wins. G is a pegwarmer case with the exception of the Axelrod Hood Up car that we all want. Probably better to just look for him in stores. So cases H, K, and L will be great cases to pick up!


            • #7
     great find filmore1234! Grongrats!
              You're a cleverman!
              My collection:


              • #8
                Question - Does Luigi & Guido of Case B have LMQ's car # on them? I'm just looking for L&G without LMQ's car #. Thanks.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by LMQ702 View Post
                  Question - Does Luigi & Guido of Case B have LMQ's car # on them? I'm just looking for L&G without LMQ's car #. Thanks.
                  Yeah they have the # on them! :-(


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Scavenger View Post
                    Yeah they have the # on them! :-(
                    That's a bummer but thanks for the reply.


                    • #11
                      french case arrived, seemed to the L: W1938-994B
                      -3 x mcqueen piston cup
                      -1x miguel camino
                      -2x shu todoroki
                      -1x cactus mcqueen
                      -2x luigi guido glasses shaker
                      -1x marlon clutch
                      -1x sally
                      -1x dusty
                      -3x boost flames
                      -1x donna pits
                      -1x rpm
                      -2x jeff gorvette
                      -1x snot flames
                      -2x holley screen
                      -2x mark wheelsen
                      My collection:


                      • #12
                        WOW! That is a pretty NICE case assortment!! Need some Luigi/Guido ,boost with Flames and Mark Wheelson from that case!!


                        • #13
                          Thank you for posting the case assortment, lavictdoukarai... I need the same Cars jestrjef mentioned as well as Snot Rod with flames, RPM, Donna Pits, and Jeff Gorvette on the 2013 cardback... we're so far behind in the midwest US...

                          I am cac1959... I am a Cars-a-holic... and a proud supporter of Nathan's Playroom


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by cac1959 View Post
                            Thank you for posting the case assortment, lavictdoukarai... I need the same Cars jestrjef mentioned as well as Snot Rod with flames, RPM, Donna Pits, and Jeff Gorvette on the 2013 cardback... we're so far behind in the midwest US...
                            none of those cars have shown up for me either


                            • #15
                              Case Y0471-999M
                              ERIK LANELEY 1
                              RACE OFFICIAL TOM 2
                              EDWIN KRANKS 1
                              BRAND NEW MATER 1
                              NATURE DRIVE LMQ 2
                              MARUICE 1
                              VERN 1
                              LMQ W/ RW 1
                              DARRELL CARTRIP W/ HEADSET 1
                              FRANCESCO BERNOULLI WGP 1
                              RACE TEAM MATER 1
                              PETEY PACER 1
                              CURBY GREMELIN 1
                              LMQ W/ CONE 2
                              ALEX CARVILL 2
                              DJ WITH FLAMES 1
                              SPUTTER STOP 1
                              JONATHAN WRENCHWORTHS 1
                              RIP CLUTCHGONESKI 2
                              My collection:

