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New Walmart 3 Pack w/Cad and Ol' Jammer!!!

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  • Scavenger
    started a topic New Walmart 3 Pack w/Cad and Ol' Jammer!!!

    New Walmart 3 Pack w/Cad and Ol' Jammer!!!

    Great new 3 pack found at Walmart in NJ today!!!!

  • RCcars5
    Originally posted by Sapfir View Post
    Nice set! And yet, whether planned Old Jammer due as single? Cad Spinner as single already released.
    Ol' Jammer is set to come out as a single, I don't know when though.

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  • Sapfir
    Nice set! And yet, whether planned Old Jammer due as single? Cad Spinner as single already released.

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  • Ferris
    Seems like very few have found these...

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  • carslover
    Originally posted by Ferris View Post
    Found in Richmond, VA!
    nice find

    still nothing in Texas

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  • Ferris
    Found in Richmond, VA!

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  • jestrjef
    Awesome find Scavenger!!!

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  • Ferris
    Originally posted by bobbyjack View Post
    Aren't Old Jammer and Cad Spinner due as singles? If so, do I really need another Maru? It is cool to get a 3 pack with 2 new Cars though. I'll probably get it if I see it because I won't be able to help myself.
    Yes, but I want them now! Lucky for me, I haven't opened Maru yet, so back to Target he will go!

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  • bobbyjack
    Aren't Old Jammer and Cad Spinner due as singles? If so, do I really need another Maru? It is cool to get a 3 pack with 2 new Cars though. I'll probably get it if I see it because I won't be able to help myself.

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  • cac1959
    My eyes! A boxed set with 2 of 3 new items! I looked for it at a couple Walmart stores last night... but when there are 15 of the first 3 pack (The Secret Hanger) on the shelves... that store probably isn't going to be getting this 3 pack.

    Like many of you, I'm looking forward to adding this to my collection.

    Great find, Scavenger! Many thanks for sharing the pictures.

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  • Nick Stickers
    I need this, why is the UK so behind on everything planes/cars related

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  • ksammut
    Great find, Scavenger! This looks like a great pack!

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