2013 Mainline singles case B - Rip is here as a single!

Thank you for the message and phone call and picture, Earl and Steffanie from JMDL Toys...
Here's what I wrote down for the case assortment but I may be off by 1... I was in my Civic and pulled into a parking lot to take notes.
Rip Clutchgoneski - x1
Grem with Weapon - x2
Race Team Guido and Luigi -x1
The King - x2
Francesco - x2
Holley with Screen -x2
Kabuto - x1
Erik Laneley -x1
Race Team Mater -x1
Petey Pacer - x2 (blue pacer with torch)
Lightning Ramone - x2
Miguel Camino -x1
Cactus McQueen -x3
Rusty Rust-Eze -x1
Sarge -x1
Victor H - x1
Look for more information and photos from JMDL Toys hopefully later today...
Rip! Rip! Rip! OK, it's only 1 Rip, but I'm excited to see Rip... and I believe you are too... I'm also excited to see several other new Cars that I don't have as well... Grem with weapon, Petey Pacer, Holley with Screen, Erik Laneley,Kabuto (I have the Toon carded one)...

Thank you for the message and phone call and picture, Earl and Steffanie from JMDL Toys...
Here's what I wrote down for the case assortment but I may be off by 1... I was in my Civic and pulled into a parking lot to take notes.
Rip Clutchgoneski - x1
Grem with Weapon - x2
Race Team Guido and Luigi -x1
The King - x2
Francesco - x2
Holley with Screen -x2
Kabuto - x1
Erik Laneley -x1
Race Team Mater -x1
Petey Pacer - x2 (blue pacer with torch)
Lightning Ramone - x2
Miguel Camino -x1
Cactus McQueen -x3
Rusty Rust-Eze -x1
Sarge -x1
Victor H - x1
Look for more information and photos from JMDL Toys hopefully later today...
Rip! Rip! Rip! OK, it's only 1 Rip, but I'm excited to see Rip... and I believe you are too... I'm also excited to see several other new Cars that I don't have as well... Grem with weapon, Petey Pacer, Holley with Screen, Erik Laneley,Kabuto (I have the Toon carded one)...