Hello All,
We've noticed that quite a few people have been having issues with their mailbox size so we've decided to double the current limit for members.
Please don't use this as an excuse for "poor housekeeping".
PCD Management Team
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PM Mailbox size increased
This is a sticky topic.
Most people forget to clear their 'Sent' items and only look at their inbox. The 'Sent' view counts as well. So if you have 25 messages in your inbox and 25 in your sent view, you have 50 total and have reached your max. I've filled my sent view a few times to 50 while having the inbox cleaned out. Lesson learned.
Great !
Thanks !
Very useful, especially when you're working on multiple trades at the same time.
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Thank you, MrBrownstone!
For those of you who have a tendency to fill your PM quota at 50, you'll probably fill it at 100 fairly quickly... You may want to communicate with others via e-mail or text message using your smart phone (assuming you have unlimited text messaging service - otherwise you'll spend more money in a hurry).
To increase the size of our private messaging capabilities of our members much beyond 100 more might increase our hosting fees... and I'd rather spend money on Cars and not hosting fees.
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