There's loads more but we liked these...
4 piece Guido Band
Miles Axelrod Explorer
Spare car part market traders
Fiat 500 set (different colours)
Zebra Citeron (with Flag)
Zebra Mater (Trailer Only)
Porta corsa track ambulances
Lemon with party hat
Speedboat with Mater para gliding
Mater Palm HOT (Francesco fan)
After race press conference security guards from Porta Corsa
Inflatable allinol mascot
The gang in the english pub
Ramone purple/red/orange paint job
Flo with full beam on
4 piece Guido Band
Miles Axelrod Explorer
Spare car part market traders
Fiat 500 set (different colours)
Zebra Citeron (with Flag)
Zebra Mater (Trailer Only)
Porta corsa track ambulances
Lemon with party hat
Speedboat with Mater para gliding
Mater Palm HOT (Francesco fan)
After race press conference security guards from Porta Corsa
Inflatable allinol mascot
The gang in the english pub
Ramone purple/red/orange paint job
Flo with full beam on