over in sorrento for our hols, found very little of note. nice burago ferrari roma and the only cars item I got was a dinoco king off a cars kids mag at 5 euros,, actually that pretty good , found those wee mini cars in a cone shaped box, but at 16 euro gave ,em a wide birth
only saw one real ferrari and 1 lambo , however saw tons of wee original fiat 500s , pure class the lot of of ,em
keeping my powder dry til le,mans next month, shall report back and hopefully I,ll see a ferrari win...... then it be the 1.18 version of it sometime, may start saving now
only saw one real ferrari and 1 lambo , however saw tons of wee original fiat 500s , pure class the lot of of ,em
keeping my powder dry til le,mans next month, shall report back and hopefully I,ll see a ferrari win...... then it be the 1.18 version of it sometime, may start saving now