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Show Us Your Favorite: Mini Racers
Show Us Your Favorite: Mini Racers
Which is your favourite Mini Racer? Mine is Florida Ramone.Tags: None
I like River Scott because it's a nice tribute to Wendell Scott, first african american to compete and win a Nascar race. I'd love to see a nice HeyDay River Scott car.
I like Strip 'the king' Weathers because Richard Petty deserved a good tribute car. Love the over-sized tires on his SuperBee frame.
I like Green Chick Hicks because of his exaggerated stickers. The scheme does a good job reflecting how over the top his self promotion goes.
I like New Mater because they went through the trouble of fixing his headlight, strobe light and hood. It's a different casting than rusty Mater. Good car. (Now I'd like to see it in a metallic paint job like Flo).
Who doesn't like Ramone? The Intro Ramone is my favorite among them.
Last edited by FischAutoTechGarten; 02-07-2020, 05:17 AM.
Great post and comments, ODwyerPW,,, your reasons why those 3 are your favorites are spot on...
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Good question, SamB2003... I have all of the first wave (1 through 24), the 4 new singles, and the first 2 3 packs... I haven't opened all of them yet - need to be able to display them.
And I've seen the 15 pack at a Target but didn't buy it.
I like metallic finish Cars... I will go with the Metallic Paint Fabulous Lightning McQueen from the 3 pack for now.
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It’s a tough one as they are all cool but If I had to choose....Louise Nash, love the colours and the size. Metallic Jackson and LMQ are really nice as well tho!
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