Below is a matrix of what cars are in what cases.
This information is only as good and up to date as the information that you provide.
If you have an update for any case assortment please say so below. Also can you please update state in your posts whether the case assortments you are posting is FACT or not. It's going to be a maintenance task in itself to keep the matrix up to date. I only plan to update the matrix when case contents are confirmed (but feel free to post your guesses as this will help others out.
Please also let me know if there's any other type of case assortment that you want to track in this matrix format
The yellow highlighted cars indicate cars that have not yet been released as singles
This information is only as good and up to date as the information that you provide.
If you have an update for any case assortment please say so below. Also can you please update state in your posts whether the case assortments you are posting is FACT or not. It's going to be a maintenance task in itself to keep the matrix up to date. I only plan to update the matrix when case contents are confirmed (but feel free to post your guesses as this will help others out.
Please also let me know if there's any other type of case assortment that you want to track in this matrix format
The yellow highlighted cars indicate cars that have not yet been released as singles