Excellent question, Justin... excellent insight, niftynigel.
2021 singles case AA has been found at both Walmart and Target stores in the US in the last 2 weeks... so hopefully you'll see it fairly soon.
I was a little bummed to find out that in the US, Target and Walmart bought all the stock of 2021 singles case AA... that means Mattel canceled the order for the case that had been placed by Get Me Collectibles.
And because of COVID cases skyrocketing, I'm not wanting to do much if any Cars shopping out of town at this time... I may check a few stores in 2 weeks.
Hopefully our UK friends will find the new 2021 Cars soon.
2021 singles case AA has been found at both Walmart and Target stores in the US in the last 2 weeks... so hopefully you'll see it fairly soon.
I was a little bummed to find out that in the US, Target and Walmart bought all the stock of 2021 singles case AA... that means Mattel canceled the order for the case that had been placed by Get Me Collectibles.
And because of COVID cases skyrocketing, I'm not wanting to do much if any Cars shopping out of town at this time... I may check a few stores in 2 weeks.
Hopefully our UK friends will find the new 2021 Cars soon.