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  • #91
    Originally posted by wintermelon View Post
    I also found Max and Chick Hicks stunt car
    They also have Jorg aka Max hauler.
    I will post picture of Jorg when i am home.
    Am I alone in actually liking the transporters?, I have mack, sal and Andre and would love to add Jorg, I know in essence they are plastic but I really like the look of them


    • #92
      I think if they would have just made the cabs diecast these would have been big hits! Unfortunately all plastic turns a lot of collectors off! I like them but have only picked up Andre so far, my son really likes raoule!


      • #93
        I don't mind having them and i plan to get Jorg when i receive my paycheck.
        These trucks seem to sell decently.
        The only complaint i have is the price tag and it is like 25-26 USD.


        • #94
          Really - that must be the first Cars related item iv seen that's cheaper in the uk, Andre, sal and mack were all Ł12 ($18), but I got them on sale for Ł9 ($14), I have not seen any sign of Jorg yet!


          • #95
            I like Andre... I like Jorg... I would have liked them more with diecast cabs... I also decided not to collect most of them because Mattel started and did not finish the haulers from the first movie.

            I am cac1959... I am a Cars-a-holic... and a proud supporter of Nathan's Playroom


            • #96
              Had to go to Indianapolis last night to pick my wife up at the airport... decided to go a little early and Cars shop and stop at the Avon Orange Leaf to support a Nathan's Playroom event - you can read about that and see me with John Andretti at:


              My wife's plane was delayed leaving Dallas and didn't arrive in Indy until after midnight... I went to a few stores... Target, Walmart, Meijer, Marshalls, TJ Maxx, Big Lots... not much in the way of Cars.

              First Walmart: Franca was the best Car - case F remnants.

              First Target: remnants of case G:

              New Micro Drifters... but the cards were not in good condition and I didn't have money:

              I like Snot Rod and Wingo... hopefully I'll see this set again.

              Meijer - 1 2013 cardback single (Race Team Mater)... other than the Rip Hydro racer, nothing new in the way of Cars or Hot Wheels:

              Second Walmart - can I interest you in Francesco or McQueen?

              And those were the best selections.

              I did find one Ishani at the first Target... and as I was walking away from the diecast area at the second Walmart, I saw a huge dump bin with Hot Wheels and a man frantically going through them talking about new cars... I found the Fire Eater Treasure Hunt and asked him if he knew it was a Treasure Hunt... I showed him the symbol on the truck - he had missed it... turns out he's a member of the Indy Hot Wheels club and he invited me to attend their next meeting.

              Anyway... new Cars can't get here soon enough for me, but the way stores are, I don't expect to see new ones in stores any time soon.

              I am cac1959... I am a Cars-a-holic... and a proud supporter of Nathan's Playroom


              • #97
                Went to a far away DS outlet today. Found these:

                Never saw Mattel stuff at the DS and at $10 a piece they can keep them!! And that was the marked down price from like $16 I think it was. Lady at the store said they came from the Parks.


                • #98
                  I'm so confused. Walmart two days ago had Planes. Today where the Planes were two days ago Sophia princess stuff was there and one lone Dusty playset. I looked all over the toy section end caps. Everywhere and no planes.
                  I asked two employees who of course had no idea what I was talking about.

                  Also for going on four weeks now no cars singles have been stocked. But if anyone needs a Dusty there are at least 8 of him.


                  • #99
                    Here's what my Walmart looks like


                    • Hit 3 Walmarts this morning and a Target this evening. Still no case G, H, or R out here.

                      My Walmarts still look like this.

                      You know your kid is a redneck if he asks you for Duck Dynasty Action Figures.

                      Planes seems to be selling well. No sign of the new case with Bravo yet.

                      signature courtesy of BomBom77


                      • I was lucky enough to have a nice target team member bring me out a fresh case today however very unlucky as usual it was another case C! WTH?


                        • I found most of case G in 4 different Targets today, but of course, no Miles. None had any stock in the stockroom according to the price scanners.


                          • Another target today, close to Legoland...this time it was Darrel Cartrip and Edwin on the pegs, got a couple of Edwins...price was much better than in SD too $3.50 if I remember correctly...and less than half an hour apart...


                            • I hit 3 Walmarts, 3 Targets, 2 Kmarts, a TJ Maxx, and a TRU yesterday and no new Cars or Planes.

                              signature courtesy of BomBom77


                              • 20130716_195234.jpg

                                Not sure about the case content. Someone always beat me to it..
                                I was there on Sunday nothing and i guess they restocked last night.
                                What i know is...

                                Boost x2
                                Mark Wheelsen x2
                                Luigi and Guido x2
                                Ichigo x1
                                Donna Pits x1

                                I will follow up the rest of the pictures in my own collection thread

